Arts & Entertainment

Practice Ranked-Choice Voting with Our "Fave Exotic Foods" Ballot

By Elia Cromwell

Our state's first election using ranked-choice voting is just around the corner — and we want to help all of our readers get ready for the change. To get familiar with the new ballot, where you rank candidates instead of choosing just one, we've partnered with RankedVote to let you practice online. Read about the candidates below, cast your ballots, and check out the results!

The Fruit Army

Expand your horizons with these formidable fruits. Dragonfruit, also known as Pitaya, can be used to flavor and color juices and alcoholic beverages, such as "Dragon's Blood Punch" and the "Dragotini". The flowers can be eaten or steeped as tea.

Lychee is grown primarily in China. The outside of the fruit is pink-red, roughly textured, and inedible, covering sweet flesh eaten in many different dessert dishes.

Papaya fruit is usually eaten raw, without skin or seeds. The black seeds of the papaya are edible and have a sharp, spicy taste.

The Vegetable Vanguard

Dig into these vegetables and root for your favorites.

The taste and texture of Kohlrabi are similar to those of a broccoli stem or cabbage heart, but milder and sweeter, with a higher ratio of flesh to skin. The young stem in particular can be as crisp and juicy as an apple, although much less sweet.

When not used as a folk remedy, Black Radish can be eaten raw as salad or cooked in soups or stews. As long as the black skin seems fresh and does not smell moldy, it can be consumed as well.

Taro Root is a traditional staple of the native cuisine of Hawaii. Some of the uses for taro include poi, table taro (steamed and served like a potato), taro chips, and luau leaf

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